Jasmine Wood RSS

communication, empowerment, expectations, gratitude, holiday, Jasmine Wood, love, new year, newbabynewpaltzblog, transitions, winter -

As mothers we sit in a unique position! We have the ability to mold and shape mind sets for our whole family. Isn’t it almost always true that a happy mom is a happy family! Going beyond self improvement we can work with our family to create goals and mind sets we would all like to work on in the New Year, providing our children with a valuable framework for their future!

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compassion, empathy, friends, gifts, gratitude, illness, Jasmine Wood, love, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita -

Children offer us heart-centered healing energy. Next time you find yourself feeling down, or caught up in past emotional trauma, take a walk with your child. Hold their tiny hand and allow yourself to be healed.

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communication, empathy, expectations, Jasmine Wood, keeping calm, kindness, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, tantrums, time, toddler, transitions -

The quote of a wise individual comes to mind “There is no hurry bone in a young child’s body, you cannot rush a toddler.” In fact, when you try to rush a toddler it always seems to backfire and you spend even more time and end up with a frustrated child more times than not!

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2014, daddy, Jasmine Wood, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita -

There is someone very special in my life who does not get enough credit in my weekly writings; he goes by the name of Papa Bear or Rita’s Daddy! This wonderful man is also my best companion and husband. Since we decided to have a child, our journey together has been full of pleasant surprises: how exciting and intoxicating it is to watch the man you love take on the role of father.

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2014, Jasmine Wood, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, spring -

Hello Mamas! I just can’t wait for the turn of seasons, I long for the type of days where I can just send little Rita out the door barefoot in a sundress! As the snow continues to melt and songbirds welcome the return of spring with a song, I am reminded that good things truly do come to those who wait. Signs of spring begin to surround us, buds breathe new life into the trees, Mother Maple begins her first flows of sugary goodness, all the while the Earth slowly moves those of us in the northern hemisphere closer to...

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