Mothering RSS

2014, daddy, Jasmine Wood, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita -

There is someone very special in my life who does not get enough credit in my weekly writings; he goes by the name of Papa Bear or Rita’s Daddy! This wonderful man is also my best companion and husband. Since we decided to have a child, our journey together has been full of pleasant surprises: how exciting and intoxicating it is to watch the man you love take on the role of father.

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newbabynewpaltzblog -

"Little Peter Cottontail hoppin’ down the bunny trail… " I will never forget Rita’s first spring and her amazing ability to spot bunny rabbits on our walks from as early as 6 months old, my newborn nature observer! She was exactly what I needed, a constant companion for all my nature observations and wildlife viewing expeditions!

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2014, Jasmine Wood, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, spring -

Hello Mamas! I just can’t wait for the turn of seasons, I long for the type of days where I can just send little Rita out the door barefoot in a sundress! As the snow continues to melt and songbirds welcome the return of spring with a song, I am reminded that good things truly do come to those who wait. Signs of spring begin to surround us, buds breathe new life into the trees, Mother Maple begins her first flows of sugary goodness, all the while the Earth slowly moves those of us in the northern hemisphere closer to...

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breastfeeding, breastfeeding barriers, Donna Bruschi, emotions, expectations, love, meals, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, nursing, transitions, weaning -

Ending breastfeeding is full of emotions for you and your baby. It can be hard to be OK with all of your own feelings around weaning, let alone articulate and share them with random strangers and rude relatives.

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breastfeeding, friends, imperfection, Jasmine Wood, keeping calm, kindness, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, Rita, toddler -

Recently, my 2 ½ year old daughter and I were at the library socializing with other children her age. A nursing toddler, a little girl, Rita’s size, caught her eye. She hurried over and asked “Are you nursing?” The mother replied “Yes.” politely, while the nursing toddler continued breastfeeding.

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