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communication, Ember, emotions, empathy, expectations, guilt, keeping calm, kindness, Lisa Bullard, meltdowns, memories, mothering, parenting, tantrums, toddler -

By Lisa Bullard (Originally published January 2013) First of all, Happy New Year!!! May 2013 bring everyone much joy, harmony, and love! On a more mundane note, my thoughts have been scattered for, oh, about 17 months now . . . I’m bringing this up because I just couldn’t figure out what to write for the newsletter and I realized it was because this is what was going on: Me thinking: I could write about how amazing language is and I . . Me talking: “Wait! Ember, honey, we can’t climb on that shelf! Yikes! Here. Would you like to...

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guilt, lyme disease, parenting, sick, ticks -

Heather noticed her four year-old scratching the back of his head.

She recalled him doing it the night before and her heart skipped a beat. It had been a late night with a hurried bath. They both fell asleep in his bed within minutes of lying down and she remembered how restless he had been. She remembered she had a dream about finding lice on him.

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emotions, guilt, imperfection, keeping calm, kindness, meltdowns, parenting, tantrums -

We all had key adults in our lives who guided us as children. Every one of us had adults who cared about us, fed us, clothed us, disciplined, and encouraged us. It might not have been your mom or dad, but there was someone.

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communication, compassion, empathy, friends, grief, guilt, kindness, Lisa Bullard, loss, love, newbabynewpaltzblog, overwhelm, transitions -

“Mom, this card says ‘Don’t worry about Nancy anymore,’” Ember says, as she hands me a sticky note she scribbled on. I wipe away a drifting tear, and take it from her. “Thanks, sweetie. Why shouldn’t I worry anymore?” I want to know what is happening in her mind, partly because I’m feeling guilty.

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accidents, Ember, guilt, Lisa Bullard, toddler -

Ember tumbled down a staircase last week!

I was following right behind her but wasn’t quick enough to catch her fall! She rolled from top to bottom.  My heart still thumps like a drum in my chest when I think of it.

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