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bed sharing, bedsharing, breastfeeding, communication, Donna Bruschi, exhaustion, expectations, mama, mothering, new baby, newbabynewpaltzblog, nighttime parenting, parenting, sleep, transitions -

How can families who breastfeed get the most sleep every night? And protect their precious baby from harm, while doing so?

Soon after beginning breastfeeding, nearly every breastfeeding parent has fallen asleep while breastfeeding, without regard to safety. The stark warnings against sleeping with your baby, fade into a haze of exhaustion. It is a dangerous way of dealing with a life and death problem, that has a fairly easy solution. Setting up a safe sleep environment for your whole family, including your baby, is easy.

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compassion, Donna Bruschi, emotions, expectations, grief, loss, memories, mothering, overwhelm, pregnancy -

Most of us have nightmares about our children dying or disappearing, and truthfully, sometimes it happens. Many moms have had miscarriages or a "lost twin." Some chose abortion only to find themselves grieving. Others suffer through a baby or child's cancer and say goodbye, over and over again, until the child finally passes.

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breastfeeding, communication, compassion, Donna Bruschi, empathy, expectations, joy, kindness, love, meltdowns, nursing, toddler, transitions, weaning -

Many mothers know the answer to this question before their baby is even born. "A year" "6 months" "Until I go back to work" "If I like it" "Until my baby is 4" It's a question with many answers. Breastfeeding is feeding and so much more. Babies also nurse because they are tired, overwhelmed, lonely, thirsty, sick, in pain, bored, cold, hot, or 89 other reasons. Nursing at a mother's breast stimulates or calms all the senses. It creates and completes a safe habitat for a baby. The obvious answer if you are a baby is "As long as I...

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compassion, emotions, empathy, expectations, friends, gifts, gratitude, keeping calm, meltdowns, overwhelm, parenting -

Holidays can be a hard time for almost everyone.

It's hard not to get caught up in the gift giving frenzy, the decorating, the cooking, or the planning of a special event.  The expectations are overwhelming.

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empathy, expectations, imperfection, Lisa Bullard, mothering, parenting, working -

Parenting is the hardest job I've ever done. That sounds dramatic when I admit it out loud, but it is 100% true. My Mom tells me that parenting is not just the hardest, but also the most important job I will ever do in my life.

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